6 April 2021

Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6 April 2021, 6:30PM, via Zoom


John Weighell (Chair), G Conlin, G Crute, P Dunn, J Grainger, E Miller, K Sandick, C Chou (Ward Councillor), L Tostevin (Ward Councillor), J Walker (Clerk)



21/001 - Welcome

J Weighell welcomed Councillors to the meeting and it was agreed that the meeting could be recorded.

21/002 - Declarations of interest

G Crute had declared an interest in the provision of the new website at the 1 February meeting and confirmed that this interest was ongoing.

21/003 - Minutes of the last meetings

The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on the 1 March were confirmed as a correct record.

21/004 - Matters Arising from Previous Meeting / Progress Reports

There were no matters arising.

21/005 - PACT Report

No meeting held and no crimes reported in Neasham, E Miller reported that quad bikes were still a problem.

21/006 - Roads and footpaths

  1. The right of way through the New Lane development. K Sandick reported that S Petch had left his post as Right of Way Officer and been replaced by Bethan Hacker who had indicated that she had no problem with us refurbishing the old sign and also installing the yellow arrow way markers. K Sandick requested a meeting on site with the new officer as the signage was still causing confusion, with walkers regularly querying with him whether access was legal. It was agreed to hold a meeting on site when Covid restrictions permitted. It was also to raise the issue of additional markers at the Dibdale Road approach and the circular footpath around the village.
  2. The road to Low Dinsdale had recently been swept by Darlington BC, all potholes repaired and is now serviceable. Other than a complete re-construction, there is little else that could be done and as there had been no complaints recently it was agreed to close the defect.
  3. The Chair reported that the overgrown hedges on Neasham Road near the Kennels had been cut back by Darlington BC who had done an excellent job and no longer dangerous.

21/007 - Environment Agency Matters  

The Chair reported B Hird at been on site twice recently but that there had been no response from him regarding correspondence relating to their Public Safety Risk Assessment, however G Crute indicated that he was not necessarily anticipating a response but was a question of putting the points on the record.

21/008 - Village Green

  1. The Chair stated that he had contacted Darlington BC regarding the wild meadow seed they had ordered on behalf of Neasham and was informed that it would be available within the next two weeks.
  2. The Chair reported that three quotations had been received for constructing the seating area adjacent the Millennium Garden and it was agreed to accept the lowest which was submitted by Brindle Construction. The Clerk was instructed to write to Brindle accepting their quote with a view to commencing the work later in the month.
  3. The Chair reported that Darlington BC had commenced grass cutting operations with the village green having received its first cut.
  4. In response to a request by Donna Sandals to place a flower tub on the grass verge near her house to prevent cars driving over it, she was advised by the Chair to investigate the legal aspects of the action and as to ascertain whether it would be covered by her household insurance before proceeding. The cost of tubs and planting to be borne by herself. 
  5. A request by Chris Lee and Diane to fly a personalised flag on the village flagpole for one day in June as part of their marriage celebrations was agreed. Costs associated with the flag would be borne by the couple.
  6. A suggestion that the two tubs at Kent Bridge containing Laurel trees which had either died or struggling should be emptied and relocated to the new seating area was considered. It was queried whether this meant no tubs on the bridge, which was confirmed, however there would a be flexible approach on this.

21/009 - Planning

  1. Applications received since the last meeting:-
    • 20/00208/FUL 8 New Lane, Neasham – Front and Rear Extensions (No Comment).
    • 21/00303/TF River View, Dinsdale Spa House – Work to Protected tree (No Comment).
  2. Darlington BC decision notices received since last meeting: - None.
  3. The Chair reported that appeals on the two traveller sites, one at Burma Road the other opposite Eurojag, had been lodged and referred to the Secretary of State and a decision was awaited. It was noted that part of the screen fence around one site had blown over.

21/010 - Risk Management

  1. The quarterly Risk Management Report had been circulated which showed four defects remaining open, all road related and which had been forwarded to Darlington BC for action. Defect 20/009 was closed at this meeting.
  2. The scheduled inspection of village green which now includes verges, signs and notice boards was carried out in March. The inspection of trees was deferred until April because of adverse weather and Covid restrictions.
  3. The Chair reported that during his inspections he had walked the flood bank footpath and he found that there were slight undulations which were not considered to be trip hazard, but would inform the Environment Agency. The Chair also stated that he had observed that the lockable posts at the village green entrance were corroded badly and would need replacing next year.

21/011 - Updated Policies and Procedure Documents

  1. It had been previously agreed to substitute the previous approved Code of Conduct with a simplified version produced by NALC, a minor amendment to the numbering does not affect this approval. G Crute gave a brief summary of the main points covered.
    • The Code is based on the seven principles of public life and sets out the members obligations.
    • Members are required to register their interests with Darlington BC within 28 day of election and failure to do so is a criminal offence.
    • Declarations of Interest must be made in accordance with two categories set out in Appendices A and B to the Code and the differences in restrictions on participating in meeting between the two categories explained. Under category B a member may be allowed to speak on a matter for which he has declared an interest only if members of the public are allowed to speak.
    • The procedure for granting a dispensation allowing a member to participate was also explained. Further information is contained in NALC Legal Topic Note LTN 80.
  2. Minor amendments to the Complaints, Data Protection, Risk Management and other previously approved policies have been made for two reasons. Firstly our policies picked up some obligations required under the Freedom of Information Act which have been incorporated. Secondly alterations to paragraph numbering for accessibility.
  3. It was agreed that there is no requirement for Neasham PC to have a Press and Social Media Policy and that incoming press enquiries should be routed through the clerk and outgoing press contact to be carried out by the Chair or authorised by him.
  4. The Model Publication Scheme and how we deal with Freedom of Information requests has previously been approved by council and also sets out our obligations to volunteer as much information as possible. Because of difficulties in producing this in HTML format, this has been divided into two document “Our Information” and “The Publication Scheme”.
  5. The clerk reminded members of their obligation to review the information set out on the Register of Members Interest Forms previously submitted. Clerk to circulate blank copy of the form for members use.

21/012 - Provision of New Website

  1. The website did not go live on the 1 April as planned, mainly because of additional work being ordered when AC Media had other commitments. AC Media have now completed their work and all that is outstanding is the Asset and Planning registers which need populating on the website. Another difficulty encountered had been getting the numbering of the Agendas and Minutes into a format accessible on the new website.
    It was agreed that the new date for going live on the website would be the 19th April and also that the old website should be retained for one year to act as a signpost to the new site.
  2. It was agreed that small metal signs with the new website address should be obtained from Skipbridge Signs for fixing to the three village information boards.

21/013 - Finance

  1. The Finance Report for the fourth quarter 2020/1 had been circulated.
  2. Payments made in March:
    • J Walker Expenses (Zoom £ 14.39)
    • J Walker Salary £431.76
    • HMRC PAYE £108.00, ICO Fee £35.00
    • AC Media Additional website requirements £390
  3. Mandate form submitted to Barclays and NS&I. Confirmation received from Barclays, confirmation awaited from NS&I.
  4. The accounts have been submitted electronically to the internal auditor (P Allan).

21/014 - Ward Councillor Matters

C Chou reported that Covid case were down considerably with only 5 patients in hospital and they were considering restarting normal urgent operations.

21/015 - Correspondence

  1. All as listed in the agenda with no issues raised by the members.
  2. Email 17/03/21 from NALC regarding MP’s support to NALC lobbying in respect of remote meeting. Further email 26/03/21 confirms no extension to the relaxation to allow remote meetings will be made. Meetings beyond 7 May will have to be on a face to face basis and tentative enquiries should be made regarding availability.

21/016 - Other Village Matters

  1. A notice advertising a vacancy on Neasham PC had been posted on the website and if no applications received by 13 April, then Neasham PC would be free to co-opt a new member.
  2. J Grainger stated that she had been informed by one of the engineers installing the broadband ducting that she would have to apply to BT for connection. The Chair felt that BT would inform everyone when they are ready to accept enquiries.

21/017 - Date of next meeting

AGM and next ordinary Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 4 May 2021 at 6.30pm.

The meeting concluded at 7.35pm


Minutes signed on 4 May 2021 by J Weighell (Chair)