
Neasham Parish Council meetings take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm in Neasham Reading Room, other than in the months of August and January. See dates for future meetings below

Meetings are open to the public. The Council does have the power to exclude the public from part of a meeting if it judges that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, but this happens very, very rarely. In practice, you're very welcome to attend Neasham Parish Council meetings. Come along and find out what your Parish Council is doing for Neasham.

Members of the public have no rights to speak at meetings unless the Council authorises this, but again, in practice, if you've got a constructive point to make about what's going on in Neasham then the Council will invariably give you an opportunity to make that point.

You can click on a link below to view Agendas and Minutes of previous meetings, or view dates of future meetings. Please note that Agendas and Minutes prior to the 1 March 2021 are only available as PDFs.


Agendas of previous meetings of Neasham Parish Council


Minutes of previous meetings of Neasham Parish Council

Upcoming Meeting Dates

The dates of all upcoming meetings of Neasham Parish Council