7 September 2021

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 7 September 2021, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Approval of Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 6 July 2021 as previously circulated.
  4. Matters arising from previous meeting.
    • Minute 21/059 – Update  on tug of war event by Tees River Trust in September.
    • Minute 21/059 – Allocation of trees, seat and memorial plaque by Darlington BC to villages.
    • Minute 21/065 ­– Teesflex bus “drop in” session held 30 July.
    • Minute 21/066 – Boundary Commission proposal to move Neasham to Stockton West constituency. Neasham PC concerns submitted by the clerk.
  5. PACT Report – no meeting.
  6. Roads and footpaths.
    Right of Way through the New Lane development and associated signage.
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
  8. Village Green.
    • Miss Trees had attended site 3 August to carry out work to two trees.
    • Trees made available by Darlington BC to parish councils for planting in agreed areas of the parish. Plan had been sent to Darlington BC showing suggested areas, response awaited from Darlington BC.
    • 2 Commemorative plaques for The Square had been ordered and have been fixed by G Crute.
    • The bench at the east end of Teesway had been relocated to The Square. An offer by Mr and Mrs Dobinson to make a donation of £400 to cover the cost of a new seat was accepted and the seat ordered.
    • The old locking posts preventing vehicular access to the green are beyond repair and new ones have been provided.
    • Consideration of construction a proposed shrubbery area near The Square. Subject to agreement of the proposal the costs to be included in next year’s precept. A separate approval will be required for commemoration and dedication plaques and lectern.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since last meeting:- 
    • Decisions received since last meeting:-
    • 20/00967/FUL – Skipbridge and Neasham Springs Farms. Following a site visit on the 10 July by members, it was agreed that the Neasham PC response should be no comment.
    • Update on appeal on traveller sites and further unauthorised development.
  10. Risk Management.
    • There were no Scheduled Inspections due in July and August.
    • No defects raised in month, with one defect remaining open.
    • A Covid 19 Risk Assessment has been prepared for Neasham PC operations throughout the pandemic (see item 12 below)
  11. Finance.
    • The balance in the current account stood at £9,418.40 as at 24 August 2021.
    • To confirm previously approved payments made in July and August of £35.18 Chair’s Expenses (Water buggy wheels), £40.00 D Laundy (Lockable posts), £160.00 Miss Trees (Pruning), £223.01 Rustic Stone (Stone Plaque), £60.00 Status Promotions (Memorial Plaque), £5.70 Clerk’s Expenses (Printer Paper), £9.60 AC Media (Domain Registration).
    • A VAT refund Claim for the period 01/10/20 to 30/06/21 in the sum of ££472.54 has been received.
    • Clarification have been requested on the insurance documents and a revised quotation anticipated from CAME and Co which will be circulated and supersede the previous circulation. Alternative options are available and recommendation is that we take up the option to enter into a 3 year fixed term agreement.
    • A cheque in the sum of £400.00 has been received from Mr and Mr Dobinson in respect of the seat referred to in paragraph 8 above. Neasham PC have ordered and will pay for the seat at a cost of £432. The reclaim of the VAT will reduce to cost to below the donation level, leaving a residual sum towards the fixing cost.
  12. Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
    • Approval of the following documents as circulated:-
      Revised Covid Risk Assessment.
      Notes for Clerk.
      Information for Prospective and New Councillors.
    • Data Protection procedure, as agreed is to be completed prior to the 2022 April review.
    • Reviews of the Asset Register and Inventory are ongoing and awaiting clarification from the insurer.
  13. Ward Councillor Matters.
  14. Correspondence (all as circulated July and August).
    • Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s bulletins, Newsletters and biodiversity event dated July 7, 9, 14, 22. 27, 28, August 4, 6, 13, 24, 25 (for information only unless any member has any matter arising).
    • It has been requested that we review our position with regards to NALC publications received by email and as listed above.
  15. Other village matters.
    • An email had been received from a parishioner enquiring when the minutes for the August meeting would be published. The clerk advised that no meetings are held in January and August each year.
    • The clerk had responded to the previous email from Doug Oliver (Constituency Officer of Paul Howell) stating further consideration to a date would be given at the September council meeting.
    • The new clerk to the Darlington Association of Parish Councils has indicated resumption of meetings, as Derek has re-located, we need a new representative.
    • No Airport Consultative Committee meetings have been held in recent months.
    •  Date of next meeting as Tuesday 5 October 2021.

John Walker

Clerk to Neasham Parish Council