6 April 2021

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 6 April 2021, 6:30PM, via Zoom to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 1 March 2021.
  4. Matters arising from the previous meeting - None.
  5. PACT Report – no meeting.
  6. Roads and footpaths.
    • Right of way through gated New Lane develop, update on request to S Petch (Darlington BC) for authority to refurbish the recently discovered existing directional sign and the installation of two new wayward markers in the verge
    • Update on the progress by Darlington BC in repairing the badly damaged road from Neasham Hill to Low Dinsdale.
    • Overgrown hedges on Neasham Road near Kennels
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
    Response awaited from B Hird (Environment Agency) in relation to the queries raised by G Crute on their PSRA that they had forwarded to him.
  8. Village Green.
    • Proposal to provide a wild meadow area adjacent Kent Bridge.
    • Proposed seating area adjacent Millennium Garden – three quotations received.
    • Grass cutting.
    • A request by Donna Sandals to place a flower tub on the grass verge to stop cars driving over.
    • A request by Chris Lee and Diane to fly a personalised flag on the village flagpole for one day in June in celebration of their marriage was circulated to the members and which was received favourably. The couple would design and paint the flag themselves.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since the last meeting:-
      21/00208/FUL – 8 New Lane, Neasham – Extensions to Front and Rear Elevation and other alterations.
    • Decisions received since the last meeting:-
    • Appeals have been lodged against the enforcement notices issued in respect of the two traveller sites.
    • The Neasham PC response to NALC’c consultation request in connection with the PC2-21 Model Design Code has been submitted by G Crute on behalf of Neasham PC.
  10. Risk Management.
    • Copy of the 4 Quarter Risk Management Report (as circulated) which shows 3 defects brought forward from previous quarter, 2 new defects raised and 1 closed, leaving 4 currently outstanding (all road related for action by Darlington BC)
    • Scheduled Inspections for March were:- Trees and village green (which now includes verges, signs notice boards and seats).
  11. Updated Policies and Procedures Documents.
    • It had previously agreed to substitute the previously approved version of the Code of Conduct with the simplified copy produced by NALC. G Crute has requested approval to address the meeting to give an explanation on the amended document prior to final acceptance.
    • Minor amendments have been made to the Complaints, Data Protection, Document Management and other policies, which have been previously approved in principle and G Crute requested approval to summarise these amendments.
    • G Crute has identified that under the standing orders Neasham PC are required to have a Press and Social Media policy. However this not a communications route followed by Neasham PC, it is felt that it is not necessary to have this policy and members are to be asked to confirm their agreement to this. It is further proposed that we should also minute that all incoming press enquiries should be routed through the Clerk, and all outgoing press contact should be carried out by or authorised by the Chair.
    • At the March meeting reference was made to the Model Publications Scheme and subsequently amended documents “Our Information” and “The Publication Scheme” were approved in principle. G Crute will clarify the minor amendments.
    • Members are reminded that they should review the information they have supplied on the Register of Members Interests Form and advise the Clerk accordingly no later than 16 April 2021
  12. Website
    • The Website is progressing with a view to going “live” on 1 April 2021, all of the additional works that AC Media were instructed to carry out , may not be completed but should not delay the targeted “going live” date, any outstanding work can be carried out subsequent to this date.
    • It is proposed that the Spanglefish site should be renewed for a final year at a cost of £30. The site would be adapted to form a signpost directing the public to the new website.
    • AC Media to be requested to submit any outstanding invoices prior to 31 March.
  13. Finance.
    • Finance Report for the 4 Quarter 2020/21 has been circulated.
    • Payments made in March: J Walker Expenses (Zoom £ 14.39), J Walker Salary £431.76, HMRC PAYE £108.00, ICO Fee £35.00, AC Media Additional website requirements TBA.
    • Mandate form submitted to Barclays and NS&I. Confirmation received from Barclays, confirmation awaited from NS&I.
  14. Ward Councillor Matters.
  15. Correspondence (all as circulated March).
    • Various emails from NALC regarding CE’s bulletins and online events 8, 15, 17, 22 and 26 March (for information only unless any member has any matter arising).
    • Email 17/03/21 from NALC regarding MP’s support to NALC lobbying in respect of remote meeting (Note: including resignation of M Hill as Hartlepool MP). Currently no indication that the relaxation to allow remote meetings will be extended . Further email 26/3 confirms no extension. Consideration of alternative arrangements for face to face meeting arrangements beyond 7 May.
  16. Other village matters.
    • Broadband in Neasham.
    • An advert advising a vacancy and inviting applications from persons interested in becoming a councillor on Neasham PC was posted on 22 March, any person interested in being proposed for election must submit their application to Darlington BC no later than midnight 13th April 2021.
  17. To confirm the date of next meeting as 4 May 2021 (3 May is a Bank Holiday).