5 September 2023

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 3 October 2023, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 July 2023, as previously circulated.
  4. Matters arising from the previous meeting.
  5. PACT Meeting.
  6. Roads and footpaths.
    • The resident of 38 Teesway had been informed that Highways would not carry out further repair to the sunken trench outside his house and that he should pursue the directly with them.
    • A complaint has been received from the resident of 17 Teesway about a pothole in the access road over the grass verge between the highway and service road, which Darlington BC refuse to repair.
    • A complaint has been received from a resident regarding a grass verge in New Lane not being properly maintained by Darlington BC.
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
    • New contact details within Agency.
    • Remedial work to Agency stile to footpath off Sockburn Lane.
  8. Village Green.
    • Weed suppression work to Memorial Garden including provision of additional bark chippings.
    • Outstanding works to the Memorial Garden including installation of baffle to lectern and repairs to raised bed retaining board.
    • Lowering of Village Green new noticeboard and cutting out old board posts.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since last meeting:-
    • 23/00679/FUL Demolition of existing single storey rear extension, erection of replacement single storey rear extension including various alterations to windows at 2 Neasham Springs Farm Cottages, Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor, Darlington, DL2 IQS.
    • 23/00772/FUL New kitchen extension to rear, formation of roof terrace and associated works at 1 Neasham Springs Farm Cottages, Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor, Darlington, DL2 IQS.
    • Decisions received since last meeting: -
    • 22/00875/FUL Dinsdale Park Golf Club – The proposed works as listed in the approval notice had been approved at the planning committee meeting on 09/08/23. Any further action by Neasham.
    • 22/00383/TF Neasham Abbey felling of 2No trees – the application was approved unanimously by a ballot circulated to all Neasham PC members.
    • Feedback on Appeal against enforcement notice for the siting of 4No mobile caravans and associated works, at Skipbridge, Neasham Road, on 15/08/23.
    • Vice Chair report on documents relating to Climate Change issues in relation to planning and also bio-diversity consultation re Hedgerow protection.
  10. Risk Management.
    • There were no scheduled inspections due in July and August.
    • No new defect notices were raised during July and August. The damage to the Environment Agency footpath stile had been referred directly to them for action and noted in Neasham PC records.
    • Update by the Asset Management Overseer in the new arrangements for Schedule Inspections.
  11. Finance.
    • Previously approved payments made in July/August:- J Weighell £60.11 (Manure etc), Pretty Gardens £20.00 (Weeding), Reading Rooms £100.00 (Room Hire), AC Media £9.60 (Domain).
    • Report on the process and recommendation for renewal of insurance cover due 20 September 2023. Three quotations have been received as follows:- A J Gallacher £612.90 (3 year option £612.90/year), Zurich Municipal £537.70 (3 year option £507.74/year) and BHIB Councils Insurance £578.03 (3 year option £552.02/year).   Queries (including Safegarding and Reasonable Care) were raised on the quotations. Proposed actions by Neasham PC following clarifications.
    • L Tostevin had previously reported that the Banks Renewables (Moor House Wind Farm Community Fund) was now available in the Neasham area with grants of up to £7k, should any suitable projects arise within the next year.
    • Concerns had been raised with the Notice Board Company about the Village Green board, who then gave unqualified assurances that it was “fit for purpose” and the only problems that had occurred were a result of vandalism.
  12. Reaching Out and Communications.
    • Suggestions/proposals welcomed for moving forward on reaching out and communications.
    • A poster suggesting that Neasham residents should join the Neasham Parish Facebook page had been prepared by J Grainger and posted on the Neasham Villagers page. Clarification to differentiate between formal /personal posts.
    • Any items of interest raised at the NALC/CLCA meeting on 24/07 attended by the Vice Chair.
  13. Ward Councillor Matters.
  14. Correspondence (as circulated in July/August).
    • Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (19/07, 26/07, 08/08, 16/08, 23/08), Chief Executive’s Bulletin (10/08, 24/08), Events (08/08, 17/08). For information only.
    • NALC Guide to the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landing on 06/06/24.
    • LGA letter (17/08) on support and delivery of Remembrance services and parades.
    • Durham Police and Crime Commissioners Office (12/07) Report and Newsletter.
    • An email had been received from a student at Durham University who is researching Net Zero Strategy operated by parish councils upwards. The Vice Chair has responded.
    • An email had been received from a person requesting assistance in researching an ancestor. A person whom had previously been involved in ancestry with Neasham PC agreed that his details could be passed on for her to contact him.
  15. Other village matters.
    • The CLCA/NALC Annual General Meeting is to be held on Thursday 21/09/23 at Guisborough. Mandate required on supporting appointment of new secretary.
    • Arrangements for the Neasham Parish Council Remembrance service in November.
    • The clerk has updated the status of the defibrillator. G Conlin has agreed to record inspection dates of the flotation device on Liz Conlin’s monthly report which the clerk will record separately.
    • An electronic copy of the documents prepared by the late M Townsend on the history of Neasham are now available to the public. It has been confirmed that there are no copyright issues.
  16. Date of the next ordinary Parish Meeting has been set as Tuesday 3 October 2023.