2 November 2021

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 2 November 2021, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Approval of Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 October 2021 as previously circulated.
  4. Matters arising from previous meeting.
    Darlington BC have been informed of a vacancy on the council and the relevant notice issued.
  5. PACT Report – no meeting.
  6. Roads and footpaths.
    • Update on the Issue of the public right of way across the New Lane development.
    • Repairs to surfacing of Dibdale Road and road adjacent golf club.
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
  8. Village Green.
    • Trees made available by Darlington BC to parish councils for planting in agreed areas of the parish. Proposed site inspection by Darlington BC still awaited. No approach has been made to the Woodland as an alternative source of supply.
    • The bench and commemorative plaque donated by Mr and Mrs Dobinson have now been fixed in position at the east end of Teesway.
    • Construction of proposed shrubbery together with associated work for inclusion in precept.
    • Programming and budgeting any anticipated works to the removal and replacement of wedding cake planter, any necessary maintenance or replacement of other planters.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since last meeting:- 
    • Decisions received since last meeting:-
    • Email received from Darlington BC (via G Crute) setting out the Planning Inspector’s comments on the Darlington BC Local Plan.
  10. Risk Management.
    • There was one scheduled Inspection due in October which was the Planters and which was deferred  from September and will to be carried out in conjunction with the end of season maintenance.
    • No defects were raised in October. One Defect remains open.
  11. Finance.
    • The balance in the current account stood at £8,533.80 as at 25 October 2021 with three cheques unpresented totalling £533.93.
    • To confirm previously approved payments made in October of £280.00 Miss Trees (autumn tree works), £38.93 NALC (remote course), £432.00 Marmax (bench seat-funding donated), £75.00 M Harrison (fixing seat), £25.00 Harrison Flagpoles (commemorative flag), £63.00 G Crute (expenses).
    • Preliminary discussions on budget and precept for 2021/22.
  12. Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
    • An email received from Luke Swinhoe (Darlington Borough Council) advising that they are currently revising their Code of Conduct and attached their draft documentation to assist any parish council also wishing to do so. In view of the fact that our current code was only recently issued, clarification on what actions may be required to be taken currently or in the future.
    • A further email received from Luke Swinhoe advising of a remote briefing on 3 November 2021 outlining the proposed revisions to the Code, all councillors are welcome to participate.
    • Consideration of a new Guide to Website Accessibility issued by NALC.
  13. Ward Councillor Matters.
  14. Correspondence (all as circulated October).
    • Various emails from NALC regarding Online Events (October 5), Newsletter (October 6, 13, 20), Chief Executive’s bulletins (October 11, 18, 24). Circulated for information only unless any member wishes to raises any matter arising.
    • Other correspondence included separately in the agenda.
  15. Other village matters.
    • 13/10/21 An email had been received from A Denderfield (clerk to Darlington Association of Parish Councils) suggesting future meeting dates, which was forwarded to K Sandick.
    • The clerk has emailed Doug Oliver (Constituency Officer of Paul Howell) to advise him that because of lack of internet at the location where parish council meetings are held it would not be possible to accept Paul’s offer of a Zoom meeting unless circumstances change in the future.
    • Remembrance Day Service in Neasham. Update on progress and any outstanding actions.
    • Any outstanding issues in respect of the sale of poppies and tribute crosses in support of the Royal British Legion. Confirmation on the flying of the “Remembrance” flag.
    • Archiving old Neasham PC documents with Durham CC, some of which date back to 1961.
    • No Airport Consultative Committee meeting had been held in October.
    • Remote course on Levelling the Environment through biodiversity on 27 October 2021 to be attended by G Crute who will provide feedback including comments on the draft climate change action plan forwarded by Darlington DBC.
    • The first meeting of the re-organised Darlington Association of Parish Councils is to be held on 24 November at 6.30pm in Sadberge Village Hall.
    • Consideration to the suggestion that Neasham holds a carol service at The Square in mid December, with mulled wine afterwards at the Fox and Hounds. Possibly to be a joint event with the Reading Rooms.
  16. Date of next meeting as Tuesday 7 December 2021.

John Walker

Clerk to Neasham Parish Council