1 March 2021

Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 1 March 2021, 6:30PM, via Zoom


John Weighell (Chair), G Conlin, G Crute, D Dodwell, P Dunn, J Grainger, E Miller, K Sandick, C Chou (Ward Councillor), L Tostevin (Ward Councillor), J Walker (Clerk)



20/138 – Welcome

J Weighell welcomed Councillors to the meeting and it was agreed that the meeting could be recorded.

20/139 – Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest.

20/140 – Minutes of the last meetings

The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on the 1 February were confirmed as a correct record.

20/141 – Matters Arising from Previous Meeting / Progress Reports

There were no matters arising.

20/142 – PACT Report

No meeting held and no crimes reported in Neasham. D Jones had circulated March police newsletter. E Miller observed anti-social behaviour by 3 quad bikes racing across his fields and reported it to the police.

20/143 – Roads and footpaths

  1. A reminder had been sent to Darlington BC regarding 3 outstanding defects for road repairs who responded they were minor works which were ongoing.
  2. The Chair reported that the road to Low Dinsdale is in a terrible condition, because of recent heavy rain, gravel had been washed across the road, damaging recent repairs, blocking drains plus numerous potholes and continuous use by HGVs all making the road almost unpassable without causing damage to vehicles. It had been reported several times to Highways, but they claimed not to have an operational road sweeper to clear the debris. L Tostevin had been assured that work would be done this week. The Chair stated that all the parish council could do was relay any complaints to Highways.
  3. K Sandick reported on his meeting with J Ryan regarding the issue of the signage to the right of way through the New Lane development and expressed the parish council’s wish to clarify the signage on the entrance gates by fixing a standard waymark sign to it. J Ryan showed little enthusiasm for this stating that the red bar referred to vehicles and not pedestrians and pointed out that when they had bought the houses the right of way limited to a hard surfaced footpath. He then referred to the sign at the end of New Lane which had been concealed in a hedge and offered to pay for it to be refurbished. J Ryan also informed K Sandick that gates had been vandalised on two separate occasions and should this happen again then he would take legal action to recover costs. At the council meeting on the 1 March it was agreed that this was not a matter for the council, any further complaints should be directed to the police for action. It was also agreed the newly discovered sign should be refurbished. J Ryan’s offer to pay for the refurbishment was declined. It was stated that the persons empowered to install such signs are the footpath authority. A motion by G Crute for K Sandick to approach S Petch requesting authority to renovate the old sign and instal two waymark signs on posts in the verge was agreed, if required the parish would meet the costs.

20/144 – Environment Agency Matters

  1. Following the receipt of the PSRA, G Crute had emailed the Agency with a set of queries and had now received a response from B Hird (risk assessment manager) who was unaware that the trees referred to were their responsibility but would look at the documents and respond with any proposals, if necessary.
  2. G Conlin had reported to the Chair that he felt that the paving slabs on the top of the embankment appeared to be sinking, possibly because of the effects of the inclement weather, but confirmed that they were not a trip hazard. D Dodwell also reported that there was a loose step adjacent the Kent Beck bridge. It was agreed that as the Environment Agency carry out a twice yearly inspection, they would carry out any necessary remedial works, also the Neasham PC inspection was due at the end of March which would report on the condition of the paving, but any trip hazard should be reported immediately.
  3. G Crute reported that he had not progressed the Covid precaution yellow directional signs on the pavings for reasons of cost and weather, in view of the possible easing of restrictions it was agreed to defer the works and monitor as to whether they were necessary.

20/145 – Village Green

The Chair stated that Darlington BC had ordered 1kg of wild meadow seed on behalf of Neasham in order to benefit from their competitive bulk rates. The Chair reported that he had two quotes (currently verbal) for constructing the seating area adjacent the Millennium Garden and anticipated a third quote from a company called Graham Jones in order provide to the three written quotations required. A proposal that these be based on Indian stone was agreed.

20/146 – Planning

  1. Applications received since the last meeting:
    20/00327/FUL Conversion of Piggeries and other works at Sockburn Hall. G Crute had prepared a document set out concerns regarding the development. It was agreed that this document should the basis of the Neasham PC response to Darlington BC as observations on the application.
  2. Darlington BC decision notices received since last meeting: - None.
  3. L Tostevin reported that all applications for the traveller sites had now been refused, but understood that they were going through the appeal process which would take some time. It was noted that another static had been brought onto the site the previous weekend.
  4. The NALC request for the views of councils on Publication PC2-21 Model Design Code.
    G Crute stated that he was happy to respond on behalf of the parish, but advised that the proposals would involve taking a greater interest in design matters and would possibly require some briefing and training from the local authority. It was also felt that comment should be made on the impact of the Public Sector Equality Duty which had been the subject of an enquiry in 2016 which made recommendations, but it appears that there is nothing on the Government websites to indicate these have been adopted.
  5. G Crute reported that examination of Darlington BC’s Local Plan was progressing rapidly. There had been approximately 250 parties signifying they wish to be heard at the hearings, in particularly one who was complaining about issues affecting Neasham. Neasham have no right to a hearing as we are not appealing.

20/147 – Risk Management

  1. No Scheduled Inspections in February. Trees and village green (including verges, signs notice boards and seats) due in March. It was confirmed that the veg box was owned by the parish and has been used by the Crossens, any decision on the box would be deferred until they confirmed as to whether they wished to continue.
  2. One defect closed in February four defects remain open, which are all road related.

20/148 – Updated Policies and Procedure Documents

  1. The following policies, which had been circulated, were approved by council:-
    • Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy,
    • Expenses Policy,
    • Disciplinary and Grievance Policy,
    • Document Management Policy,
    • Data Protection Policy.
  2. Since circulation of the Complaints Policy, an amendment referring to The Model Publication Scheme and how we deal with Freedom of Information requests had been included, which was approved by council.
  3. Risk Management Policy and Financial Regulations contained minor amendments and were both approved by council.
  4. Since circulation of the Code of Conduct, a simplified document issued by NALC had been obtained and a proposal to substitute this for the original was agreed.

20/149 – Provision of New Website

Website sub group meeting had been held 18th February with G Crute outlining progress to date and it was agreed to circulate the Policy Documents listed in item 20/148 for approval. The date for “going live” with the new website was agreed as 1 April 2021, the Spanglefish website would not be renewed. Additional works are required to the new website and it was agreed to instruct Adam Crute to proceed with these, subject to financial authority.

20/150 – Finance

  1. Payments made in February:
    • J Walker (Underclaim January Zoom £10.00),
    • J Walker (Zoom £14.39),
    • J Walker (Memory stick for back up £14.49).
  2. Payments due March:
    • Zoom £14.39,
    • ICO £35.00.
  3. An indicative cost of the additional website works is currently £350 and it was agreed to approve expenditure of up to £392 bringing the total approved to a maximum of £1000 as budget.
  4. Mandates for change of a signatory on Barclays and NS&I accounts had been completed and submitted.

20/151 Ward Councillor Matters.

  1. L Tostevin reported that P Howell’s team were looking to high speed broadband in rural areas. Originally it was planned for half of Neasham to be connected but Openreach had carried out surveys of the existing infrastructure outside this area, but it is not clear whether this means the whole village will be connected.
  2. L Tostevin reported that the two ward councillors had been allocated £1000 per year each to fund small projects in Hurworth and Neasham.

20/152 – Correspondence

  1. All as listed in the agenda with no issues raised by the members.
  2. A separate email from NALC stating that there was no indication that the government would extend the relaxation for remote meetings beyond 7 May and advising councils to plan accordingly. P Dunn stated that the Reading Rooms would not be open before mid-May. K Sandick agreed to enquire the possibility to use the Grange. Whatever the location Neasham would have prepare their own Covid risk assessments etc.

20/153 – Other Village Matters

  1. The Chair announced that this would be the last meeting that Derek would attend as he was moving out of the area and thanked him for all his hard work for Neasham over his 15 years of service. K Sandick took up his position as Vice Chair and there is now an official vacancy on the council.
  2. P Dunn stated that she would shortly be enquiring about the flowers for tub with Neasham Nurseries and obtaining costs. The Chair asked that additional flowers for the seating area be obtained.
  3. The Chair informed E Miller that he had been unable to establish who owned the dangerous hedge near the kennels on Neasham Road.

20/154 – Date of next meeting

Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 6.30pm.

The meeting concluded at 7.55pm

Minutes signed on 6 April 2021 by J Weighell, Chair