3 May 2022 Annual Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 3 May 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.



  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Confirmation that the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting held 4th May 2021 had been confirmed as a correct record at the subsequent meeting held 7th June 2021.
  3. Chair`s Report.
  4. Any questions.
  5. Election of Chair for 2022/2023.
  6. Election of Vice Chair for 2022/2023.
  7. Other appointments to support the Chair in effective management for 2022/2023.
    • Asset Management Overseer.
    • Business Management Overseer.
    • Risk Management Overseer.
  8. Date of next Annual Meeting (Provisionally set at Tuesday 2 May 2023).


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 5 April 2022, as previously circulated.
  4. Matters arising from previous meeting.
  5. PACT Meeting.
  6. Roads and footpaths.
    Update on the bridge on the bridleway off New Lane which had been closed by Darlington BC pending the results of a structural survey.
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
    Removal of all logs arising from the fallen conifer tree, which was blocking the Teesdale Way and remedial to the damaged fence to be carried out by the Agency, remain outstanding.
  8. Village Green.
    • Progress on the proposal for a trial patch for a wild seed area to the east end of the green.
    • Availability of trees from Darlington BC to parish councils for planting, unless more suitable trees were offered, it had been agreed to place the issue on the agenda for the Parish Assembly.
    • Shrubbery. Update on progress on preparation and placing of orders for materials and products including preparation works on site and proposed construction. Request by Neasham RR that Neasham PC purchase a rose bush to plant over a time capsule they hope to bury in the shrubbery.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since last meeting:-
    • Decisions received since last meeting:-
  10. Risk Management.
    • The updated Public Safety Risk Assessment has been circulated and is tabled for approval.
    • There were no inspections scheduled for Inspection during April.  There were no new defect notices raised in April, one defect in respect of the missing dog waste bin remains open. B Graham was contacted and who apologised for the delay which due to difficulties in the supply of replacements.
  11. Finance.
    • It is proposed that the expenditure of £1,000.00 from the government backed “stronger community” fund to Neasham, arranged by C Chou, should be placed on the agenda for the Assembly in order that parishioners have an input on agreeing a project would benefit the parish.
    • The accounts have been received back and signed off by the internal auditor. There were two minor comments. The meeting can now proceed through the stages of signing off the AGAR itself and also agree the dates for the 30 day period of the Exercise of Public Right to Inspection.
    • The balance in the current account stood at £6,915.55 and the savings account £7,194.96 with a combined total of £14,110.51 as at 31 March 2022.This represents a  £980 increase on the 4 quarter finance report projection, arising from the Darlington BC donation of £1,000.   
    • Previously approved payments made in April:- CLCA £108.43 (Membership fee), Sam Turner £91.24 (Compost for planters).
    • Additional payment made in April after balloting members:- Neasham Reading Rooms £200.00 (Jubilee celebrations contribution).
    • A cheque in the sum of £300 has been received from the Reading Rooms as a donation towards the cost of the lectern and Roll of Honour.
  12. Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
    Proposal to agree a standard Official / Signature block(s) for use by all members for an Official correspondence block, arising out of the requirements of the Date Protection Regulations.
  13. Climate Change Issues
    One of the Darlington BC officers working on climate change issues, Margaret Elstone, has agreed to address the Parish Assembly on 17 May 2022. This will be a Power Point presentation followed by a Q & A session allowing all attendees to table their queries. G Crute has expressed an interest in learning what measures Darlington BC are taking. See also Parish Assembly under agenda item 16.
  14. Ward Councillor Matters.
  15. Correspondence (all as circulated in April).
    • Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (13/04), Chief Executive’s bulletins (08/04, 14/04, 25/04). For information only, unless any matters raised by members.
    • NALC email 12/04/22 advertising various online events including one on “Fighting Climate Change” which we received via G Crute.
    • NALC email 19/04/22 Survey of Sector Finances. Simple survey to complete.
    • Darlington BC email 07/04/22 Draft Design Code Supplementary Planning document, if adopted could be considered in future planning applications.
    • Darlington BC email 11/04/22  Luke Swinhoe requesting applications for members to apply to sit on their Members Standards Hearing Committee meetings.
  16. Other village matters.
    • The format of the Parish Assembly proposed by G Crute had been approved at the previous meeting. A prototype copy of the “flyer” including the annual report will be tabled for approval. Approval has to be given at this meeting in order for it to be printed off and distributed well before the Assembly. Arrangements for the distribution of the “flyer” must also be agreed.
    • The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. J Grainger and J Weighell had attended the Neasham RR working group on the Jubilee celebrations and will provide feedback. In response to a query it was confirmed that Neasham PC do not hold a music licence.
  17. Date of next ordinary parish meeting  is Tuesday 7 June 2022.

John Walker

Clerk to Neasham Parish Council